So You Want To Be An Organizer

Every one of us has the power to be an agent of change. As we witness the advancement of White Christian Nationalism, it's easy to feel hopeless. But Americans in overwhelming numbers hold firmly that our nation must remain a pluralistic democracy free from religious oppression. And therein lies our power to fight back. There’s important work to be done and it starts with each of us! But how to harness that power and convert it into action items that make a real difference? Join us for this workshop on a deep dive into the mechanisms of effective organizing. It will consist of a primer for organizers, followed by a sequence of campaign-building stations designed to help customize and solidify your personal plan to help preserve church-state separation, democracy, and civil liberties in your community and beyond. This year, more than ever before, each of us must be ready to hit the streets. This workshop will provide your roadmap for success.

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